We've updated our space to make it shooting on green screen easy and quick to do.
After studying the market and looking at all the product options available, we decided on Pro Cyc's Virtual Green® Chroma Key Green Screen Paint and their Pro Matte™ IV flooring to be the best option to make transitioning our white cyc studio to green screen for a single shot or a whole shoot. Pull back the curtain on our left wall to reveal a 19' wide green cyc, add a couple pieces of the flooring and you're ready to shoot head to toe green. We've pre-lit the green cyc with 5 Brightline lights at 3200k. All you need to do is light your talent and you're ready to go.

Green screen gives you an environment you can fully control. Say goodbye to weather, lighting, and audio worries! When you use green screen, the post-production options are truly limitless.
We are proud to add this unique feature to our space and we look forward to helping you with your next creative endeavor!